PMDG has just released a new update to the 737 lineup, ensuring compatibility with Sim Update 11 and its new standards, built on the latest SDK. According to Robert Randazzo’s forum announcement, the main focus has been the tuning of the control law for the automatic flight control system in pitch, roll, yaw, and thrust, mitigating an issue with the previous update related to the atmospheric stability simulation that is claimed to be “significantly unrealistic” and requiring the creation of additional logic into the control law. PMDG also claims the 737 control logic improvements will pave the way towards greater realism in atmospheric stability without need for changes.
They have been working on bringing forward new features that are now possible with SU11, such as a weather radar, but the results are not yet up to the expected standard, thus still under development. A short list of other minor fixes follows down below:
0012072: [General - Documentation] Amend Introduction document to remove Wifi Antenna FWD/AFT option (hvanrensburg)
0012051: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Capt Stab trim clipping (vscimone)
0012052: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] MIssing pixel on Electrical Panel when using New pressurization panel option (vscimone)
0011821: [External Model - Geometry] Negative pressure relief valve text & push panel mis-aligned (jbrown)
0011614: [External Model - Geometry] Paintkit Model Texture Distortion (jbrown)
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