Working Title CJ4 v0.12.14
- FMS - Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21 represented at over 75% accuracy
- Over 40 screens/pages of the FMS have been developed
- Route planning complete with departure and arrival procedures, airways and direct waypoints, including many procedures and procedure types missing from the default aircraft
- Performance init pages including complete takeoff and approach performance calculations, with field lengths and Vspeeds
- Custom developed and implemented a flight plan import directly from Simbrief via the FMS, allowing users to spawn without a flight plan, then load a Simbrief OFP/Flight Plan directly over the web (requires internet connection); this feature also makes it easier to fly multiple legs without exiting the simulation session
- Custom LNAV and VNAV capabilties reflective of the real aircraft’s capabilities
- Improved performance of FMS by streamlining data access behind the code
- Added custom mechanism for saving and storing default settings to remain persistent between sim sessions
- Added transponder functionality and completely redesigned the TUN page for radio tuning
- PFD/MFD - Major functional and visual enhancements
- Navigraph Charts integration on the MFD
- Custom font, sizing and coloring introduced to PFD and MFD to improve readability and accuracy of displays
- Customized Vspeeds and visibility behavior to reflect the real aircraft
- Adjusted the display of data, the visibility of the AoA and other functions to match the real world
- Added complete, tracked and stepable checklists to the MFD
- Added passenger briefing menu and announcement playing to the MFD
- Added capability to customize the MFD display and use the PLAN view to step through flight plan via the MFD ADV and DSPL MENU functions on the FMS
- Added bearing pointer functionality
- Rebuilt pitch trim gauge because it was reversed and mislabeled in the default model
- Flight Model
- Adjusted engines to reflect real world performance, including the elimination of reverse thrust.
- Adjusted fuel flow with a custom fuel flow utility that accurately tracks and reports fuel usage reflective of real aircraft performance
- Tweaked autopilot performance, gear/flap/spoiler drag and other QoL improvements on the flight characteristics
- Lights & Sounds
- Enhanced exterior lighting, including volumetric lights
- Enhanced interior lighting, including cabin lights with adjustable dim level (controlled through our custom MOD SETTINGS menu in the FMS)
- Enhanced and growing soundset, including fans and passenger briefings
- Cockpit Model
- Added lighting and functionality to many buttons and knobs in the cockpit model.
- FMS - Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21 represented at over 75% accuracy
- Over 40 screens/pages of the FMS have been developed
- Route planning complete with departure and arrival procedures, airways and direct waypoints, including many procedures and procedure types missing from the default aircraft
- Performance init pages including complete takeoff and approach performance calculations, with field lengths and Vspeeds
- Custom developed and implemented a flight plan import directly from Simbrief via the FMS, allowing users to spawn without a flight plan, then load a Simbrief OFP/Flight Plan directly over the web (requires internet connection); this feature also makes it easier to fly multiple legs without exiting the simulation session
- Custom LNAV and VNAV capabilties reflective of the real aircraft’s capabilities
- Improved performance of FMS by streamlining data access behind the code
- Added custom mechanism for saving and storing default settings to remain persistent between sim sessions
- Added transponder functionality and completely redesigned the TUN page for radio tuning
- PFD/MFD - Major functional and visual enhancements
- Navigraph Charts integration on the MFD
- Custom font, sizing and coloring introduced to PFD and MFD to improve readability and accuracy of displays
- Customized Vspeeds and visibility behavior to reflect the real aircraft
- Adjusted the display of data, the visibility of the AoA and other functions to match the real world
- Added complete, tracked and stepable checklists to the MFD
- Added passenger briefing menu and announcement playing to the MFD
- Added capability to customize the MFD display and use the PLAN view to step through flight plan via the MFD ADV and DSPL MENU functions on the FMS
- Added bearing pointer functionality
- Rebuilt pitch trim gauge because it was reversed and mislabeled in the default model
- Flight Model
- Adjusted engines to reflect real world performance, including the elimination of reverse thrust.
- Adjusted fuel flow with a custom fuel flow utility that accurately tracks and reports fuel usage reflective of real aircraft performance
- Tweaked autopilot performance, gear/flap/spoiler drag and other QoL improvements on the flight characteristics
- Lights & Sounds
- Enhanced exterior lighting, including volumetric lights
- Enhanced interior lighting, including cabin lights with adjustable dim level (controlled through our custom MOD SETTINGS menu in the FMS)
- Enhanced and growing soundset, including fans and passenger briefings
- Cockpit Model
- Added lighting and functionality to many buttons and knobs in the cockpit model.
Working Title CJ4 v0.12.7
General Changes
- Adjusted maximum screen brightness
- Fix Baro Knob animation and function
- Adjusted scale of PPOS/PLAN map modes so distances are more accurate again in relation to the range rings
- Fix Lower CCP knob long press for reselecting charts in LOCK mode
- Fix entering ABOVE/BELOW restrictions results in wrong order of A/B
- SimBrief import now skips waypoints it was not able to import but continues the process
Working Title CJ4 v0.12.6
General Changes
- SU5 Compatibility (some bugs remain - see known issues)
- Improved brightness in the PFD/MFD (thanks @charles-vomacka)
- Improved altimeter scroller for PFD and SAI; implements the blocks instead of blank spaces for empty digits (thanks @charles-vomacka)
- Fix other SAI display bugs (thanks @slip)
- Added AoA smoothing and tweaked AoA for better Vref (thanks @slip)
- FLC mode now uses the mach value from VNAV Climb and the ias value from VNAV Descent FMS pages to set crossover speeds for FLC mode (auto-switching from MACH to IAS now happens at the speeds entered, if nothing is set, the default values remain)
- TUNE 1/2 page dynamic display “ABS” and “REL” from TCAS Control page. (thanks @slip)
- TCAS CONTROL page mode TA/RA/STBY (thanks @slip)
- Add TFC option to PFD overlay menu (thanks @slip)
- Add TFC option to MFD overlay menu (thanks @slip)
- add TFC state to MEM store buttons (thanks @slip)
- Please note that the core sim interaction/model behaviors have changed dramatically with SU5, and there is a new interaction system. See the Known Issues for some issues with this. We highly recommend using the new LOCK Cockpit Interaction System with Instrument Tooltips off. To access these settings, go to Options -> General Options -> Accessibility.
Working Title CJ4 v0.12.5
- Added Traffic Display (TFC) to the PFD and MFD
- Added "ALT TAG" option on the FMS TCAS CONTROL page
- Added ABOVE/NORM/BELOW options on the FMS TCAS CONTROL page
- Lots of great cosmetic improvements to the PFD (thanks charles-vomacka!)
- Adjusted the green band on the trim in extended view (thanks Slip!)
- Adjustments to external lighting (thanks Uwajimaya!)
- More accurate AoA display (by Slip)
- Fixed ITT scale ranges on the MFD (by Slip)
- Overhaul of the SAI (by Slip)
- Fixed ZFW calculation concerning pax weight (thanks thor!)
- VSi bug improvements on the PFD
- Minor bugfixes
Working Title CJ4 v0.12.1
- Fixed bugs with parsing TUN page inputs.
- Minor cleanup on DSPL MENU FMC page.
- Fixed bugs with leg altitude (constraint) parsing to address some incorrect constraints in some European approaches.
- Fix for erroneous sim autopilot altitude capture when using a hardware button tied to all the altitude slots and not just slot 1.
- Fix for some erroneous situations where VNAV PATH kicks you to PTCH incorrectly.
- Fix for sequencing missed approach on Go-Around after a new approach is selected.
Working Title CJ4 v0.12
VNAV Climb should now be working correctly - we know that we've warned many people in past versions to turn it off if it isn't working, but at this point we believe it works as designed. As a refresher, in the CJ4, VNAV in climb is NOT A PATH. It simply provides protection for the pilot to not exceed an AT or AT OR BELOW constraint in the departure procedure. The protection exists ONLY for waypoints that are loaded into the FMC as part of a DEPARTURE PROCEDURE. If you add other waypoints beyond the DP, those constraints will not be respected as climb constraints.
- Enabled APPR mode for ILS when tuned in PFD even when an approach is not loaded in the FMC.
- Added custom vertical autopilot to manage altitude capture and hold modes. (note: the ALT button is now tied to H:WT_CJ4_AP_ALT_PRESSED and the emissive lvar is L:WT_CJ4_ALT_HOLD)
- Added altitude capture for PTCH mode.
- Added altitude capture for TO/GA modes.
- Enabled ability to arm LNAV on the ground and set activation at 400' AGL.
- Fixed bug with not being able to turn off the Flight Director when FMA modes are annunciated - the FD button will now disable all modes when being turned off, as long as the AP is not on.
- Fixed bug that prevented VNAV button press from being read when APPR mode was active - now it is only force disabled when GP/GS have been captured and those are the active vertical modes.
- Added PITCH REF value to the FMA when in PTCH mode.
- PFD Baro preset bug fixed where improper units would sometimes display with the baro preset window open.
- Fixed bugs with selected altitude < 0 or > 45,000; these values will not display AND the simvar values will not exceed those limits (you can't get stuck below 0 anymore).
- Removed inaccurate feature of resetting the FMA modes upon landing - they will now remain in the last selected modes until the FD is turned off.
- Improved map/terrain mask (thanks Slip!).
- Improved ROSE/ARC display to better reflect the real aircraft.
- Improved min wind vector/speed display.
- Fixed bug where DES waypoint would appear even after it had been passed sometimes on the map.
- Improved gps track bug on MFD/PFD and enable during ground ops.
- Added ability for FMS Text VNAV window to display climb data even when no descent/arrival is picked, and also to show arrival/TOD data after climb constraints have passed.
- Fixed the Range Banana (altitude intercept arc) on the PFD/MFD to only display the point where the SELECTED altitude will be intercepted, not the VNAV altitude.
- Added runway slope calculations to Takeoff and Landing Ref pages - you can now enter a slope and the relevant TOFL/LFL number will adjust accordingly.
- Added landing factor distance selection on Approach Ref page - you can now select the landing factor.
- Added ability to enter custom/new pax weight on PERF INIT page using format "/XXX" or "5/XXX" and the pax weight value is persistent.
- Added ability to enter Gross Weight on PERF INIT page to override ZFW and/or Pax/Cargo inputs.
- Fixed bug where the final approach fix calculation in LNAV sometimes chose the missed approach waypoint as the FAF.
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused the departure runway to be undefined (black FMC screen) after flight plan import.
- Adjusted DIRTO and Vertical Direct page and capabilities to fix bug not allowing a second vertical direct, not allowing a vertical direct to a current direct to waypoint.
- Added ability to select any vertical waypoint with a constraint for a direct to; when constraints are A/B or A/ the altitude targeted will be the ABOVE value.
- Fixed bug causing VREF/VAPP display error in FMC in certain circumstances.
- Removed departure runway altitude from flight plan and LEGS page.
- Fixed bug that would prevent a climb in cases where there is no SID, but a STAR exists and has constraints.
- Adjusted VNAV FMS Text window to display descent data as soon as the last departure constraint is passed, instead of waiting until the departure procedure has been completely flown.
- Fixed bug with missing some A/B or A/ constraints in the first descent segment in some rare cases.
- Changed behavior of path smoothing to cause the first descent segment to always be at the requested VPA in the VNAV DESCENT setup page.
- Fixed bug with VNAV calculations after a DIR TO.
- Adjusted behavior after FPLN change is made that adjusts the PATH; if the new PATH causes an out-of-activation range problem, AP mode changes to PTCH.
- Fixed bug where after PATH arms in an ABOVE PATH intercept situation, PATH won't disarm even if you deviate from intercept parameters.
- Extensive debugging and fixing of obscure/non-normal cases.
- Adjusted idle thrust.
- Adjusted 75% thrust error in thrust table.
Working Title CJ4 v0.11.3
- Fixed bug with Pilot Waypoint storage that could cause errors for users adding waypoints to the data store for the first time
- Fixed missing STAR transition legs when selecting a VFR runway for landing instead of a published approach
- Fixed a bug with the autopilot update loop that could occasionally cause LNAV or VNAV to stop responding
- Made adjustments to LNAV turn anticipation in certain turn types
- Fixed bug that prevented the correct hold entry type from being updated when changing inbound course and turn direction
- Fixed bug where AP dives to pre-select altitude when VNAV is disabled while in PATH mode
- Fix behavior when a flight plan change causes PATH recalculation while in PATH mode - will now go to ALT and attempt to re-arm PATH
Working Title CJ4 v0.11.2
- Implemented charts dark/night mode (activated when panel lights are off or at full [daytime mode] and are otherwise night mode)
- Added ability to store up to 20 pilot waypoints (IDX->DATABASE)
- Added ability to type pilot waypoint idents in LEGS, DIR and FPLN pages
- Fixed Standby Attitude Indicator and Emergency Light Switches
- Add Emergency Light CAS Message
- Fix co-pilot audio panel
- Fixes for TOD problems, including showing a TOD when in an approach and missing when in cruise
- Fixed VNAV FPTA error that sometimes could cause LNAV to stop responding
- Added CHECK SPEED message that will show when your speed is >20kts than the current restriction (remember speed constraints are not automatically loaded from nav data and must be manually entered)
- Further enhancement of terrain colors for the TERR map option; adds curve points above and below aircraft based on aircraft AGL altitude.
- Cleanup of some small FMC bugs, including missing Working... messages for some screens.
- Improved duplicate detection methods when importing flight plans (fewer duplicates will flag)
- Removed 'select waypoint' page being triggered during an import if there are no exact duplicates
- Refined TOD rounding on MFD in VNAV WINDOW
Working Title CJ4 v0.11.1
- Fixed problem with FP SYNC option.
- Addressed problems displaying VNAV TOD in certain circumstances.
- Removed INOP tooltip from chart joystick.
V.0.10.4 Key Features
Default Livery Conflicts
The alternate default liveries that now ship with MSFS are not compatible with the CJ4 yet at this time. They currently ship with panel.cfg files that do not include our FADEC module. Please use the standard livery or a known compatible 3rd party or community livery.
- Course needle for ILS should now be properly set during nav-to-nav transfers
- Incompatible livery warning should no longer show improperly with compatible liveries if FADEC load is delayed
- Flaps lift workaround has been removed
V.0.10.3 Key Features
- Improvements to automatic VOR search
- Fix blacked out FPLN page when arrival was loaded from the world map
- More realistic GNSS POS INIT procedure
- Added TTG to the FMS info on the MFD
- Checklist on the MFD should not react to the PFD knob anymore
- Workaround for doubled flaps lift since the UK update (by metzgerva)
- Added a prominent(!) warning to the MFD when a incompatible livery is used
- Fixed typos on the TUN and DEP/ARR index page (by slip)
- Adjust colors for the terrain map (by slip)
- Added Datalink section with ability to request METAR/TAF/ATIS (thanks to Syntax for the code and FBW for allowing usage of their API)
- Added target and current altitude display in meters
- Improved PFD menus (Visuals, Minimums, V-Speeds...)
- Improvements to RA/BARO minimums in the PFD menu
- Minimums are now persisted
- Fixed V-Speed deactivation logic on speedtape display
- Added BARO SET page and functionality to PFD menu
- Show CRS on data block when no frequency is tuned
- CRS knob should change the needle whether or not a VOR/LOC is tuned in within range.
V.0.10.2 Key Features
- Fix blacked out VNAV Cruise page and VNAV SETUP now defaults to CLB
- Fixes for VNAV TOD and PATH intercept issues in some situations including a DIRTO
- Fixes and improvements to LNAV turn anticipation and tracking
- Fixed GS/GP display issues on FMA in some circumstances
- Fix Nearest Airports Direct-To
- Fix Nav-To-Nav transfer while in Auto Tuning
- Improvements to out-of-sync AP modes after using TO/GA mode or when enabling FLC during ALTCAP
- Disable waypoint sequencing while on the ground
- Remove range banana from PLAN view
- Ensure that nearest VOR search returns in distance order.
- Disable COM3 which caused ghost ATIS during flights
V.0.10.1 Key Features
Welcome to the Working Title CJ4 v0.10.1. This hotfix is for pressing issues we did not catch during our QA.
- Correct missed lift adjustment in FM leading to incorrect stall speeds
- PFD should no longer allow any preset but NAV1 when nav-to-nav is armed and the active nav source is FMS
- PFD should automatically set the preset nav source to NAV1 when nav-to-nav-is armed
- Corrected stuck CHECK LOC TUNING scenarios where addon navdata is incorrect
- Change navaid datablock to "LOC" from "ILS"
- Fix VNAV not leveling off at constraints during a climb
- Alt alert cancel on ALT knob push
- VNAV Setup page should no longer display CRZALTCELL
- Fixed issue where VNAV state would become corrupted when capturing a preselected altitude while in VPATH.
V.0.10.0 Key Features
Default Livery Conflicts
The alternate default liveries that now ship with MSFS are not compatible with the CJ4 yet at this time. They currently ship with panel.cfg files that do not include our FADEC module. Please use the standard livery or a known compatible 3rd party or community livery.
- Over-the-top custom AP now flies ILS approaches itself instead of relying on stock ILS AP behavior for much better lateral and vertical accuracy
- TO and GA no longer override the heading bug
- TO is now disabled upon activating AP
- GA mode will now sequence to the missed approach if the active waypoint is the runway fix
- Pressing NAV with FMS selected as the active nav source will now arm LNV if currently in ROLL, HDG, TO, or GA.
- Pressing APPR will now only arm APPR LOC or APPR LNV if outside of the capture area
- Will stay in VNAV until glideslope intercept when engaging approach mode.
- Scratchpad error messages now clear after 1 second
- FMC messages now display at the bottom of the display
- Added MESSAGES page
- Added numerous FMC messages including LOC WILL BE TUNED, CHECK LOC TUNING, FPLN DISCONTINUITY, etc
- CRZ ALT inputs now allow "F" plus flight level. Eg. F200 = FL200.
- Initialize Position message now shows if position not initialized
- Fixed inserting airways in the middle of a flight plan on the FPLN page
- Sequencing will automatically enter INHIBIT when reaching the destination runway
- Changing sequencing from INHIBIT to AUTO when the active leg is the runway will automatically sequence into the missed approach
- Missed approach segment is now displayed at the end of the plan
- POINT/BEARING/DISTANCE fixes should now have magnetic variance properly applied
- Entering positive/negative distance for along-track offset waypoints now has the desired effect
- Added ability to perform vertical direct-to
- Added altitude restrictions to display
- Fixed issue where page prohibited direct-to an approach fix
- AUTO/MAN indication now shows next to selected nav radio frequency
- Pressing LSK next to nav radio frequency with nothing in scratchpad now goes to NAV CONTROL
- Adjusting a frequency with nav radios in AUTO automatically switches back to MAN
- Frequencies should now be remembered on shutdown and restart
- Added expanded nav radio input format support
- Added NAV CONTROL page
- Added ability to put nav radios in AUTO mode, which will automatically tune nearest VORs every 6 minutes for location backup
- Added nav radio presets
- Added correct nav source swapping behavior
- Added ability to change preset (standby) nav source via DATA knob
- Added preselect nav source (ghost needle) info block
- Added preselect nav source deviation indicators (ghost deviation)
- Nav source should now automatically switch when APPR is active and preselect nav source is armed (NAV-to-NAV transfer)
- PPOS is now prohibited when FMS is not selected as the nav source
- PFD message lines now populate based on plane conditions and pending FMC messages
- FGS display layout has been completely reworked to support armed lateral modes (TheFlieger)
- FGS display arrow shape is now more accurate (TheFlieger)
- FGS display now flashes modes on mode changes
- FGS display now shows NOPATH as PATH with a yellow line through it.
- Wind indicator position refined to better match real unit (Slip)
- Flap speeds have been added to the airspeed tape
- Fixed the VSpeed display formatting to reflect real unit
- Fixed airspeed band disappearing at bottom end (TheFlieger)
- Fixed the speed trend indicator
- Styling of mach indicator corrected (Slip)
- TERR and WX mode indicators should now better reflect the real world unit
- Range-to-altitude Select (altitude banana) now reflects preselector altitude even while VNAV is operating
- TERR map now operates properly as a relative terrain indicator
- Fixed issue where DME-only stations would not appear on the course or bearing needle information blocks
- Fixed issue where bottom display lines would shift when digits were dropped (TheFlieger)
- Moved ranges into inner circle for ARC, PPOS, and PLAN modes (TheFlieger)
- Removed radial markings for inner circle in PPOS mode (TheFlieger)
- Fixed issue where displayed DTK would sometimes be negative
- Adjusted styling of bottom information line for more accuracy
- Fixed bearing pointer data block formatting
- Fixed issue where bearing pointers would show in incorrect spot in PPOS mode
- Fixed issue where bearing pointer data block would show VOR when a LOC was tuned
- Bearing pointer needle should no longer show when untuned or when a LOC only is tuned
- Bearing pointer display block format updated & aligned correctly
- Map display range rings should now coincide with the ranges in FMS
- Oil Temp and Pressure display format corrected
- Fixed issue where FMS Text hour display would roll over to 25 hours
Flight Planning
- Legs with altitude terminations should now be placed in a more reasonable location
- Origin runway fix should now be at the start instead of the end of the runway
- Hold-to-manual-termination (HM) legs are now properly parsed and inserted into the plan
- Corrected issue where hold course would get incorrect magnetic variance applied (neoenstien)
- FPLN RECALL (Game) will now also import Custom waypoints from the world map
Aircraft Light
- Strobe lights flash is now realistic (on for 1/2 second)
- Added white nav lights to back of light assembly on wingtips (Where it should be)
- Masked lights so bleed won't go over wings.
- Added pulse lights
- Taxi, Landing, and Pulse lights buttons are exclusive meaning only one can be on at a time.
- Windshield now always heated like in the real plane
- Fixed fuel timing calculation and display to avoid bad hour wrap-around (neoenstien)
- Bleed air source is set to NORM on plane load
- "Aural warning ok" message removed
- Gear up/down won't play when you are on the ground and you load in.
- Spoiler drag has been brought back to a more realistic value.
Known Issues
- PITCH mode will not level off at an altitude and it can have some quirky behaviors. This is currently a sim AP issue.
- Some external applications that use the GPS/Flight plan SimVars may not function correctly or as expected when FP Sync is off.
- Loading and saving flights can have bad results.
- Custom liveries can render FADEC inoperative if they ship with a panel.cfg. You must uninstall them or remove their panel.cfg from the livery folder. This is a limitation of the Asobo livery system.
- Autopilot modes cannot be triggered via keybindings or controllers and must currently be triggered in the cockpit with the mouse. External binding applications are adding support for LVars and HEvents.
- Sometimes a heading to altitude instruction on takeoff will display further than the first RNAV fix on an RNAV departure procedure; in these cases the workaround is to cross-check the DP chart and remove the erroneous waypoint either by deleting the heading to altitude fix or dropping the first RNAV fix onto the magenta line in the LEGS page.
- Due to sim autopilot bank rate limitations, the aircraft may overshoot on certain RNP approaches with tight turns. If you encounter this, we recommend handflying the approach with the given lateral and vertical guidance.
- If for whatever reason, you find that VNAV is not behaving as expected, try and turn it off and on again.
V.0.9.1 Key Features
Welcome to the Working Title CJ4 v0.9.1. This is a hotfix release for 0.9.0 to fix the most pressing issues that came up after release.
- Fixed issue where ATC window did not refresh electrical system status properly
- Fixed issue where map lines would be improperly drawn in certain situations and zoom factors
- Fixed issue where after flying one hold, LNAV would not fly any additional holds
- Fixed issue where LNAV would skip to the last hold if holds were on back-to-back legs
- Fixed speed tape overspeed indicator and warning speeds
- LNAV should no longer wander back and forth in the case of overlapping or duplicate flight plan fixes
- Fix for DIRECT TO not reactivating the current dirto from the DTO page
- Fix for DIRECT TO not working after one successful DTO
V.0.9.0 Key Features
Installation is easy, simply copy the workingtitle-aircraft-cj4
folder inside the zip file to your MSFS Community folder.
Important: We recommend that you fully delete the previous workingtitle-aircraft-cj4
folder before copying this release.
Default Livery Conflicts
The alternate default liveries that now ship with MSFS are not compatible with the CJ4 yet at this time. They currently ship with panel.cfg files that do not include our FADEC module. Please use the standard livery or a known compatible 3rd party or community livery.
Remarks to flight plan synchronization between the Game and FMS
The FP SYNC option is one way: it updates the simulator flight plan from the FMC. To load a plan into the FMS you can either enter it manually or use the FPLN RECALL (GAME/SB) option in IDX -> PAGE2 -> ROUTE MENU
Due to the increased accuracy and capabilities of the FMC managed flight plan, you may find that the sync to the game does not always work as expected or does not reflect the FMC flight plan exactly.
- Added Cross Pointers flight director
- Flight director now works with AP off, including lateral guidance
- Added Takeoff Go-Around (TOGA) mode
- Holds functionality and autopilot, including proper entry types and exit arming
- Course intercept, Point/Bearing/Distance fixes, Point/Distance fixes, Lat/Lon fixes
- Completely overhauled Flight Model (WIP) (Credit: Metzgergva)
- Com 2 can now be used to transmit and receive.
Flight Plan Manager
- Fixed errors where negative values would be returned for a leg course
- When approach is loaded, destination airport is removed and the runway becomes the final waypoint
- Off-course sidewinder wandering behavior should be greatly reduced
- Support added for flying holds
- FMS now calculates correct DTK for very long legs along changing great circle bearings
- FMS will now continue to sequence even if the active nav mode source is a nav radio
- FMS will no longer sequence past the destination runway fix to the airport fix
- VNAV will now continue to the most recent restriction even during a large amount of turn anticipation
- FPA for approach legs will now be calculated from the FAF so steeper angles can be automatically supported
- Adjusted VS to round up in approach to prevent drifting under GP (Current AP workaround)
- Added inhibit .1nm from runway threshold to prevent aircraft from flying towards center of airport
- Added TOGA functionality. When pressed on ground, provides 10 degree FD pitch up, runway heading tracking. Hotspot to engage is the L FIRE BOTTLE click hotspot
- VS mode now properly captures the current vertical speed when engaging
- AP now goes to Roll/Pitch upon landing
- Fixed issue where APPR sensitivity could appear even outside of the approach segment
- VS wheel now properly adjusts target aircraft pitch when in PITCH mode
- COM2 transmit and receive is now fully supported in the panel and compatible with vPilot
- COM switches on audio panel can now enable or disable transmit for that channel
- COM knobs will now disable receive for that channel when turned down
- Holding CLR for 1/2 second or longer will clear the entire scratchpad
- Page layout has been overhauled
- Available fixes should properly reflect remaining legs in plan
- Nearest airports function should now operate
- Direct-to should no longer route you back to the origin runway if the selected fix is a non-ICAO leg termination (also applies to LEGS)
- Fixed legs page blacking out with empty flight plan
- Fixed inability to copy magenta TO fix to scratchpad
- Added lat/lon user waypoints support
- Added shorthand lat/lon user waypoint support
- Added place/bearing/distance user waypoint support
- Added flight plan offset user waypoint support
- Added ability to drop fix on blue FROM leg to intercept leg course
- Fixed incorrectly rounded distance displays
- Added NEW HOLD and HOLD AT support
- Added support for hold EXIT ARMED and CANCEL EXIT
- Added AUTO/INHIBIT FMS fix sequencing selection
- Fixed bug where it would go to perf init after vnav setup 3/3
- Fixed cruise altitude cell in perf init from showing FL + 5 boxes
- Fixed bug in approach ref not showing headwind/tailwind
- V-Speeds will reset when entering a new origin after landing.
- Airways should now be enterable connecting to the final departure fix
- Fuel used is now reset with new origin
- Added hold page support for all data fields, except for QUAD/RADIAL
- Added support for automatically detected entry type
- Added support for EXIT HOLD and CANCEL EXIT
- Wired hold support into EXEC/CANCEL MOD
- Added HOLD LIST page
- Adeed support for up to 6 holds in list
- Added Cross Pointers (X-PTR) flight director and setting persistence on restart
- Setting altimeter to hPA stays persistent on restart
- Cyan vertical speed arrow is now removed when in GP or VPATH
- Adjusted map ranges to realistic values (5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 600)
- Corrected PPOS scaling
- MFD Wind speed font size same as PFD
- Fixed outer range display cut off
- Added (N)orth label to PLAN view
- Wind indicator hidden on PLAN view
- Various map draw improvements
- Added correct icons for different VOR types and NDBs
- Enabled map symbols are now drawn and updated around the current location
- INTERS now only shows named and non terminal waypoints
- Added display of terminal waypoints (to be enabled in FMC)
- Map will show a maximum of 40 symbols as in the real unit (configurable in Defaults in later version)
- AOA indicator only lights up on gear down or greater than flaps 15.
- Standby attitude indicator (SAI) baro settings are changed to whatever is set in PFD.
V.0.8.3 Key Features
- Adjustments to autopilot controller gains to address pitch oscillations
- FMS will now continue to sequence even when the active nav source is not FMS
- FMS will no longer sequence past the destination runway fix even if you fly beyond it
- FPLN page will now properly accept airways following the departure fix
- Adjusted pitch PID gains to eliminate oscillation under certain conditions
V.0.8.1 Key Features
- Added VFR runway approaches - in DEP/ARR you can now choose a VFR runway for landing and specify a runway extension waypoint to be added to the flight plan as far as 25nm from the runway. This allows you to 'roll your own' LNAV/VNAV approach to any runway at any airport. Great for small/private fields!
- Fixed issue when resuming VNAV climbs and fixed issue when setting missed approach altitude during an RNAV approach with GP.
- Removed old unused files that were causing a compatibility issue with WT Garmin units and the FBW A32NX
- Fixed an issue where GP would stop descending and capture an altitude when the altitude preselector was moved (i.e. to the missed approach altitude)
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the active waypoint would sequence to the airport and take the plane off course on an RNAV approach.
- Fixed an issue where the CRS would not accept input sometimes while not in LNV or NAV mode
- Numerous fantastic cosmetic accuracy updates (contribution by TheFlieger)
- FMS mach value now always shows only two digits
- Updated BARO indications to show when STD has been set; updated BARO knob to always set STD pressure when pressed
- Numerous fantastic cosmetic accuracy updates (contribution by TheFlieger)
- Shows IGN indication on engine ignition during startup
- Don't show TOD marker on map when in Approach Mode
- Fixed the baro setting rounding error
- LEGS page will no longer intepret entries of lower than FL500 as speed restrictions
- LEGS order of AB restrictions should now be correct
- FPLN now allows proper entry of 3 letter ICAO airport codes
- FPLN selecting Origin or Destination will put the ICAO into the scratchpad
- Visual approach (runway extension fix) capabilty added to the DEP/ARR page
- Pressing LSK next to origin and dest will now copy ICAO to the scratchpad
- FMC should no longer blackscreen when going to the ARR DATA page
- FP Sync option will now actually be active when set to enabled
- Added new option "FPLN RECALL (GAME)" to Route Menu to sync the flight plan from world map to the FMS
Flight Plan Manager
- Fixed issue where some track-to-radial-intercept legs were being dropped from procedures
- Changed behavior of FP Sync on flight start
- When FP Sync is off: ATC/VFR plan remains but FMS plan is empty. Enter the flight plan manually or use the FPLN RECALL options
- Fixed issue where LNAV would get stuck in a swapping full left then right bank oscillation
- Wind, Spoiler Drag and external engine sounds should now be played on the right audio bus so it doesn't play during pause & volume can be adjusted.
V.0.8.0 Key Features
- Custom Flight Plan Manager
- Vertical Navigation (VNAV)
- Custom Lateral Navigation
- RNAV capability with LPV
- Improved FMA Display
- Sound overhaul (WIP)
- PFD/MFD improvements (a lot)
- Map improvements
- Many many more...
Custom Flight Plan Manager
- Independent from MSFS flightplan
- Much improved procedure data, even when using the stock NavBlue data
- Modifiable approaches
- Appropriate discontinuities
- Direct-to to any fix on the plan at any time
- Correct vectors, heading-to-altitude, and intercept legs
Vertical Navigation (VNAV)
- Full support of all CJ4 VNAV modes including VVS, VFLC, and VPATH
- Continuous vertical path calculation
- Display of vertical path snowflake
- Display of required vertical speed donut to meet next restriction
- Display of TOD on the map
- Overhauled altitude modes including ALTS and ALTV
- Ability to add custom altitude restrictions in FMC LEGS page
Lateral Navigation
- New lateral navigation over the top of existing AP
- Greatly improved bank response and turn performance
- Supports correct discontinuity behavior
- Compatibility with the new Flight Plan Manager
- Much improved ILS APPR capture success rate
- Ability to fly RNAV procedures at all times
- Correct sensitivity scaling for the enroute (2NM), terminal (1NM), and approach phases (.3NM)
- Correct PFD annunciations for navigational sensitivity
- Full LPV approach support, including correct increasing angular sensitivity as distance to threshold decreases
- Full AP support of APPR and GP modes for RNAV approaches
- Proper flat rating of engine for consistent performance at varying field elevations and temperatures
- TO and CLB throttle detents with indication on MFD N1 display
- FADEC properly targets increasing thrust curve and N1 with altitude in CLB
- Full CRZ throttle range
- Reserve fuel can now be changed
- Revised the format of the FLPN page to better match the real unit, especially for approaches
- Approach ref temp of zero can now be entered
- Light now off occurs at 12% N2
- Performance adjustments to fit climb profile using FADEC
- Complete overhaul of the PFD Flight Mode Annunciator to match the correct CJ4 mode symbology
- IAS hold will now automatically switch to Mach when the values are the same
- IAS/Mach button switch now captures current mach number
- Added ability to adjust BARO minimums and added minimums aural callout
- Added altitude capture aural alert and flashing altitude selection indicator
- Added FMC waypoint sequence alerting: waypoint ident and distance will flash 5 seconds before sequencing
- Course needles now smoothly swing to position as per the real display
- Fixed an issue where the upper panel knob also controlled menus in the MFD
- Added Radio Altimeter (visible at 2,500' AGL and less)
- Added “NO FLIGHT PLAN” to ROSE/ARC modes when no flight plan detected
- Added “DISCONTINUITY” to ROSE/ARC modes when discontinuity is reached
- Icons updated for airports, waypoints, and intersections
- Added correct label font and sizing for map labels
- Procedures should now be drawn more accurately to how they appear in the procedure charts
- Temporary flight plans (modifying a route) now displays as a dashed white line
New Sounds (work in progress)
- Engine exterior and interior run, start, stop
- Avionics fans
- Spoiler drag, Gear drag, extend, retract
- Cockpit wind and rain
- FMS, AP panel, DCP, CCP, and soft buttons
- Aurals (Altitude Alert, Minimums, AP disconnect, Caution/Warning, Landing Gear, Pull up, Overspeed, Sink Rate, Don't Sink)
- Removed TAWS System Test (To be replaced with accurate sound)
- New camera presets (pax, lavatory etc.)
Navigational items not currently implemented but scheduled for future updates
- Holds and procedure turns
- FMC INTC CRS capability
- VNAV Vertical Direct-To Fix
- Manual Point/Bearing or Point/Bearing/Distance fixes
- Route offsets
- LNAV/VNAV approaches. Currently all RNAV approaches use LPV in APPR mode due to no minimums type information in the available navdata.
- Going direct-to on the LEGS page does not give you an EXEC option, it will automatically execute.
Installation is easy, simply copy the workingtitle-aircraft-cj4
folder inside the zip file to your MSFS Community folder. Important: Due to some file location changes in the latest MSFS version, it is mandatory that you fully delete the previous workingtitle-aircraft-cj4
folder before copying this release.
Credits : Workingtitle FSpackages
When I click on the download now it takes me to another page and wants me to download a setup.exe file. I just want to get the cj4 mod.
ReplyDeleteIts right above in RED ;;
cierra esa pagina, es publicidad.
ReplyDeletesigue dándole a descargar y bajaras un archivo rar de 74mb
I need help, now with every flight the text "no flight plan" appears on all screens. Even when I obviously set the flight plan before the flight
ReplyDeleteYou need to import the flight plan either from simbrief or from game. IDX (index)-->FLT PLAN (second page).
DeleteI am having a problem that the sim tells me that I can not use the comms because the radio is not switched on when I start from a dark cockpit.
ReplyDeleteu dont read manuel u dont hear atc
DeleteThanks to the developer for this! The latest fix (.91) seems to have solved the issues I was having, and the plane feels much better to fly by hand too. I hope you can keep working on this, and updating it every time Microsoft changes things.
ReplyDeleteI am having a devil of a time with flight plans and need some help:
ReplyDelete- How do I get FS2020 to load a file plan from a file on disk and consider it to be IFR? It always wants to convert everything it loads from a file to a VFR Direct flight plan. I'm using .PLN files generated by a converter ( using input from SkyVector Garmin .FPL files that SkyVector exports. Even if I change the XML value making it "IFR", FS2020 still loads the plan as VFR Direct and there are no usable leg waypoints. And once loaded, you cannot convert a VFR plan to IFR using the World Map interface. It always computes a new route when you select either of the IFR options. That's not what I want.
- How do I convince the CJ4 FMS to load an IFR flight plan from a file (it will be the same file FS2020 loads)? From the Route Menu, the <FPLN LOAD (GAME) key seems to be taking its input from whatever FS2020 has in its little brain, and when FS2020 thinks it has a VFR Direct flight plan CJ4 doesn't load any leg waypoints only the starting and ending airports. None of the other keys on the Route Menu are active, so there doesn't seem to be a way to load a flight plan file from the disk.
pos ils autopliot dont work.just like hole simultator is bugy pos game for idiots
ReplyDeleteWell kudos to all for the great work ! Becoming one of my favorite airplanes. It does seem a bit quirky in terms of the AP, since there is a 2nd NAV button... Im so curious about how MSFS seems not to have assignments (keystrokes) for the equivalent VS as the COCKPIT VS button. It would be great to know how to assign a KB sequence to turn on the 2nd NAV and the VS bug from MSFS button assignments. EX; when I use the rotary knob to select VS on Bravo Throttle I dont get the VS BUG in the Citation CJ4? I have to select VS in the cockpit. I tried changing the binding to other VS related but no luck... I also notice discontinuity in almost every flight plan, thats new for me, Who in the AIR FORCE came up with that word (just continuity would work), Im just sayin.
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