Flight model modification version
This flight level mod sets (L/D)max to 60% of the real life value. This is part of the "missing propeller drag" workaround. For (L/D)max see https://code7700.com/aero_l_over_d_max.htm
Using the parameters drag_coef_zero_lift, htail_incidence, thrust_scalar and fuel_flow_scalar the maximum airspeed, (L/D)max and fuel consumption can be set to one operating point OP. I set the OP to full weight, no flaps, retracted landing gear, full thrust, level flight, no elevator input and altitude 300 ft.
I use the MSFS 2020 documentation from https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Samples_And_Tutorials/Defining_A_Flight_Model.htm Citations are in "". Asobo has expanded the documentation, but sadly the documentation is still far away from complete. Asobo please go on!
To all critics of my work: First, I am an armchair pilot. If you only accept flight model mods from real life 4 stars pilots, don't use it. Second, if you think my mod is atrocious, don't use it. To everybody else: The mod is the best I can do with my knowledge of MSFS 2020. Stay happy and healthy!
empty_weight_CG_position = 0.66, 0, 0 ; 0.85, 0, 0 ; Position of airplane empty weight CG relative to reference datum (FEET), z, x, y
Set GC to 28% MAC.
induced_drag_scalar = 1.5 ; 1
flap_induced_drag_scalar = 1.5 ; 1
For "missing propeller drag" workaround increase induced drag.
drag_coef_zero_lift = 0.0559 ; 0.02770
For "missing propeller drag" workaround increase parasitic drag.
lift_coef_flaps = 0.00000
drag_coef_flaps = 0.00000
For "missing propeller drag" workaround I can't use flaps nor gear.
ui_autonomy = 5 ; 4.5 ; max duration the aircraft can fly between take-off and landing in (Hrs)
fuel_flow_scalar = 0.63 ; 1 ; Fuel flow scalar
Adjust fuel_flow_scalar to ui_autonomy.
cruise_speed = 205 ; 150 ; Knots True (KTAS)
thrust_scalar = 2.5 ; 1 ; Propeller thrust scalar
Adjust thrust_scalar to cruise_speed.
wing_dihedral = 2.8 ; 0.7 ; Dihedral angle Lambda (DEGREES)
Correct that left rudder brings down left wing.
wing_incidence = 1 ; Wing incidence (DEGREES)
htail_incidence = 0.6 ; 2 ; Horizontal tail incidence (DEGREES)
Set that for normal flight as much positive trim is needed as negative trim is needed for inverted flight at full thrust.
elevator_trim_neutral = 0 ; 4 ; Elevator trim max angle (absolute value) (DEGREES), for indicators only (no influence on flight model)
For my comfort.
empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 1516 ; Empty pitch moment of inertia, Jxx (SLUG SQ FEET)
empty_weight_roll_MOI = 75 ; 183 ; Empty roll moment of inertia, Jzz (SLUG SQ FEET)
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 1515; Empty yaw moment of inertia, Jyy (SLUG SQ FEET)
For better roll rate decrease roll "real inertia".
pitch_stability = 0.04 ; 0.1
roll_stability = 0.01 ; 0.1
yaw_stability = 0.04 ; 0.1
For realism reduce "fake inertia", specially for roll.
aileron_area = 116.7 ; 16.0 ; Elevator area (SQUARE FEET)
For better roll rate increase aileron_area.
aileron_span_outboard = 0.99 ; 0.7
For better roll rate increase length of aileron as percentage of wing length.
aileron_effectiveness = 1 ; 2
For realism reduce "overshoot". I try to set this airplane aileron performance to the maximum the simulation can handle. And this maximum is below 400°/s together with "stop on a dime".
aileron_up_limit = 30 ; Aileron max deflection angle (DEGREES)
aileron_down_limit = 30 ; Aileron max deflection down angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
Note: A higher value is too fast for the simulation and introduces too much "overshoot".
elevator_up_limit = 31 ; 26 ; Elevator max deflection up angle (DEGREES)
elevator_down_limit = 31 ; 26 ; Elevator max deflection down angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
Increase elevator limit to give "nice" spin animation.
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