Flight model modification version V.
wing_incidence = 0 ; 1.5 ; Wing incidence (DEGREES)
oswald_efficiency_factor = 0.77 ; 0.7 ; Wing Oswald efficiency factor e (non dimensional)
htail_incidence = 2 ; Horizontal tail incidence (DEGREES)
cruise_lift_scalar = 1 ; const
parasite_drag_scalar = 1 ; const
induced_drag_scalar = 1.5 ; 1.2 (sailplane, low power airplane) to 1.5 (piston, turboprop)
flap_induced_drag_scalar = 1.5 ; see induced_drag_scalar
pitch_stability = 0.04 ; const
roll_stability = 0.04 ; const
yaw_stability = 0.04 ; const
drag_coef_zero_lift = 0.05 ; 0.01 (sailplane), 0.035 (GA plane), 0.05 (aerobatics plane)
compute_aero_center = 0
aero_center_lift = 0 ; -0.80000
lift_coef_at_drag_zero = 0.1 ; 0.05000
lift_coef_at_drag_zero_flaps = 0.10000
cruise_speed = 162 ; 135 ; Knots True (KTAS)
thrust_scalar = 2.3 ; 1.1 ; Propeller thrust scalar
After changing the polar, changing of thrust is needed, too. I give the airplane thrust for 162 KIAS maximum level flight airspeed at sea level.
empty_weight_CG_position = 0.61, 0, -0.75 ; 0.45, 0, -0.75 ; Position of airplane empty weight CG relative to reference datum (FEET), z, x, y
Move center of gravity to 25% MAC
empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 1000 ; 1101 ; Empty pitch moment of inertia, Jxx (SLUG SQ FEET)
empty_weight_roll_MOI = 75 ; 719 ; Empty roll moment of inertia, Jzz (SLUG SQ FEET)
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 1000 ; 1708 ; Empty yaw moment of inertia, Jyy (SLUG SQ FEET)
empty_weight_coupled_MOI = 1 ; Empty transverse moment of inertia, Jyz (SLUG SQ FEET)
The moments of inertia is small for roll and much higher for the other axis. If the pitch value is too small, you have problems with smooth touch-down. If the roll value is too small, you have problems with winds (gusts) while the airplane is on the ground.
flaps-position.0 = 0, -1, 0 ; 0, -1, 0.25
flaps-position.1 = 10, 178, 1 ; 10, 178, 0.25
flaps-position.2 = 34, 122, 1
The flaps drag results from sub-parameter Drag Coeff and flaps angle. Therefore 0 for 0° flaps and 1 for other settings gives linear progression of drag with flaps angle.
lift_scalar = 1 ; 1.4 ; Scalar coefficient to ponderate global flap lift coef (non dimensioned)
drag_scalar = 1; 1.4 ; Scalar coefficient to ponderate global flap drag coef (non dimensioned)
pitch_scalar = 1 ; Scalar coefficient to ponderate global flap pitch coef (non dimensioned)
lift_coef_flaps = 0 ; 0.63300
drag_coef_flaps = 0.12 ; 0.12250
I control flaps lift/drag via [AERODYNAMICS] parameters.
wing_area = 116.8 ; Wing area S (SQUARE FEET)
htail_area = 15 ; Horizontal tail area (SQUARE FEET)
vtail_area = 10.0 ; Vertical tail area (SQUARE FEET)
elevator_area = 15 ; Elevator area (SQUARE FEET)
aileron_area = 116.8 ; 18.4 ; (SQUARE FEET)
rudder_area = 10 ; 20 ; (SQUARE FEET)
aileron_span_outboard = 0.99 ; 0.55
This is the heart of my flight model modification: I increase the aileron_area and the aileron_span_outboard control surfaces. The aileron area is equal to the wing area. This artificial change gives fast roll without (much) lag.
elevator_up_limit = 30 ; Elevator max deflection up angle (DEGREES)
elevator_down_limit = 30 ; Elevator max deflection down angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
aileron_up_limit = 45 ; 25 ; Aileron max deflection angle (DEGREES)
aileron_down_limit = 27 ; 15 ; Aileron max deflection down angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
rudder_limit = 18 ; Rudder max deflection angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
If enlarging the control surfaces is not enough, I enlarge the maximum deflection angle.
wing_incidence = 0 ; 1 ; Wing incidence (DEGREES)
htail_incidence = 2 ; Horizontal tail incidence (DEGREES)
Adjust for level flight at cruise speed without elevator input.
fuselage_length = 18.8 ; -1 ; Nose to vtail/htail apex (FEET)
fuselage_diameter = 4.0
fuselage_center_pos = -5.6, 0, 1.3 ; -5.5, 0, 1.3
Adjust for good Aircraft Editor, Debug, Sim Forces display.
elevator_trim_neutral = 0 ; 2 ; Elevator trim default angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
This is a green area in the non-cockpit elevator trim display.
controls_reactivity_scalar = 20 ; 10 ; Make surfaces 10x more reactive on this plane because we can roll up to 10x faster than with regular planes...
I think the parameter controls how fast throttle moves if controlled by Xbox One controller buttons.
cruise_lift_scalar = 1
parasite_drag_scalar = 1
drag_coef_zero_lift = 0.035 ; 0.03750
I control wings lift/drag via [AERODYNAMICS] parameters.
lift_coef_flaps = 0 ; 0.63300
lift_coef_spoilers = 0.00000
drag_coef_flaps = 0.12 ; 0.12250
drag_coef_gear = 0 ; 0.00250
drag_coef_spoilers = 0.00000
Airplane has flaps, no rectractable gear and no spoilers.
toe_brakes_scale = 0.18 ; 0.44 ; Brake scalar
Have lower "brake power" to avoid nose-over (flip-over) after landing.
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