[Simulator News] Flight Simulator 2020 World Update 6 on September 7

UPDATE: Feedback snapshots updated down below. World Update 6 teaser trailer released, including Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The upcoming World Update 6, expected to land on September 7, will introduce a new “Offscreen terrain pre-caching” option to reduce the FPS drops and LOD popping when panning the camera view. According to the development roadmap, also Sim Update 6 is expected in mid-September.

Every Thursday, updated feedback snapshots of the top bugs and wishes for the upcoming Sim Updates and World Updates of the Microsoft Flight Simulator are published. Sim Update, aka SU, introduces new features, bug fixes and enhances the overall experience every few months. World Update, aka WU, is a regional upgrade of satellite imagery and elevation data for a country or a few at a time. The head of MSFS and the developers at Asobo Studio goes through the development roadmap during the Developer Q&A Live session monthly. There are a total of 24 top bugs and a total of 48 top wishes listed, reported through Zendesk and official Forums by the community. Click each image below for the original larger size. Read the latest Sim Update 5 and Xbox release notes, Xbox FAQ, and updated known issues section.

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