MSFS2020 - LRPO George Valentin Bibescu Airport - V.1.0

“George Valentin Bibescu” airfield is situated 1 mile south of Craiova, Dolj. The airfield is owned by Romanian Airclub, founded by Prince George Valentin Bibescu on August 25th 1920.

The airport is currently in the MSFS database with the ICAO code LRPO. Although the real life certification ICAO code is LRCW, I have decided to preserve the MSFS code LRPO in order to avoid any confusion.


  1. Hand crafted buildings and facilities
  2. Hand crafted glider IS-28B2
  3. Hand crafted iconic WILGA-35
  4. Hand crafted winches  
  5. Hand crafted fuel tank and mobile fuel pomp


Extract the “lrpo” folder from the “” file to your Microsoft Flight Simulator “Community” folder.

Depending of your MSFS installation, you may find the “Community” folder:

Microsoft Store edition AND/OR Gamepass edition:

C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_\LocalCache\Packages\Community

Steam edition:

C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community

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