Update! Flight Simulator 2020 - Jordan's Victorian 25 Airports Scenery Megapack - V.1.3 [HD]

Included in the pack are:

- Apollo Bay, YAPO
- Ararat, YARA
- Bridgewater, YBGR
- Ballarat, YBLT
- Bacchus Marsh, YBSS
- Cobden, YCDE
- Coldstream, YCEM
- Drouin, YDRN
- Echuca, ECH
- Kyabram, YKYB
- Lethbridge, YLED
- Leongatha, YLEG
- Lilydale, YLIL
- Latrobe Valley, YLTV
- Moorabbin, YMMB
- Mangalore, YMNG
- Colac, YOLA
- Peterborough, YPBH
- Shepparton, YSHT
- Warrnambool, YWBL
- King Lake, YKIN
- Yeaburn, YYEA
- Taggerty, YTGG
- Merton, YMEO
- Mansfield, YMFD


YLTV Latrobe Valley
YECH Echuca
YARA Ararat
YCDE Cobden
YLIL Lilydale
YCEM Coldstream

YKIN King Lake
YYEA Yeaburn
YTGG Taggerty
YMEO Merton
YMFD Mansfield
All airports built from scratch
- Accurate runways, windsock and aprons with hand-drawn markings
- Custom Satellite imagery for YLTV
- PAPI (YLTV) and night lighting
- Improved vegetation
- Hundreds of hand-placed objects
- Accurate COM frequencies
- Static Ground Vehicles, Aircraft and Objects

Other Tweaks:
Default approach data restored to YSHT, YECH, YBLT and YLTV.
Small changes to trees (YSHT).

These are based from the default airports that have been edited by use of the Software Development Kit by Asobo. The default airports were missing a lot of details such as hangars, other buildings, vegetation and this pack adds these.

This pack will continue to see updates as I work at improving each airport, so keep an eye out for future updates.

To install, select all of the airport folders and copy into your Microsoft Flight Simulator community folder.

UPDATED - YBLT, Ballarat & YSHT, Shepparton
Both completely rebuilt from scratch including:
- Accurate runways, windsock and aprons including hand-drawn markings
- Custom Satellite imagery for YBLT
- PAPI and night lighting
- Improved vegetation
- Hundreds of hand-placed objects
- Accurate COM frequency
- Static Vehicles
- Buildings in the approach path fixed at YSHT

Place the "jordanjames94-yblt" and "jordanjames94-ysht" folders into your community folder and let them override.
Also place the "jordanjames94-blt-aerial" folder into your community folder.

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