MSFS2020 - Microsoft Fligh Simulator ByPass Update App - V.0.0.7

Small application to bypass MS FlightSimulator 2020 Update v.0.0.7*

This application will allow you to skip updates of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.


To prevent Flight Simulator from checking for updates. We cut the internet connection just before this check, then we put it back on just after.


In this example, the 38s network is cut after launching the application and it is turned on again at 51s, ie 13s later.

Wifi adapter Choose the network card used

Define the start of the adapter shutdown Time after launch to cut the network. generaly when the music start

Define the end stop of the adapter (we turn it on)

Learning button It allows you by clicking to automatically memorize the value of the cut-off period
Button to launch the simulator with the chosen parameters

Automatic closing after starting MS FS 2020.

Install the download

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