MSFS2020 - A320 Neo Flight Dynamics Bug Workaround Mod - V.

Flight model modification version V.

  • Compatible to MSFS version Include Uwa's lighting mods when available.

MSFS 2020 version aka WU3 "tuned" the Asobo flight models from non-realistic to even more non-realistic. I think it was a side effect of "Improved flaps system of aircraft : Aircraft creators can now move the wing surface’s position and camber with each flap system at each flap level"

The workaround for the "flaps bug" is "go into the flight_model.cfg and divide the flap lift by 2x (there are several possible scalars for that purpose: lift_coef_flaps or lift_scalar)". I apply the "flaps bug workaround" to the airliners because Asobo made it clear that there will be no hotfix: "if we should address this via a hot fix as quickly as possible, but ultimately believe that the better approach is to implement the fix ... (coming early March)".

Additionally I corrected the A320 maximum lift-drag ratio (L/D)max to a more realistic value of 16.3 at level flight without elevator input. The (L/D)max change makes other changes necessary.

To all critics of my work: I am an armchair pilot. If you only accept flight model mods from real life 4-stripes pilots, don't install my mod (Yes, I got a comment from somebody requesting such a disclaimer). Everybody else: Stay happy and healthy!

lift_coef_flaps = 0.7269 ; 1.45380
Apply workaround, see above.

drag_coef_zero_lift = 0.0252 ; 0.02370
Bring (L/D)max to a realistic value.

induced_drag_scalar = 1.5 ; 1
flap_induced_drag_scalar = 1.5 ; 1
"If you have this value, use it. If not, a value between 1.2 and 1.5 is usually fine. If this value is above 1.5, the plane will generate a lot of drag a slow speed. If the value is closer to 1, it will glide very easily at slow speeds." from MSFS SDK/Documentation/01-Getting_Started/Tutorials/02-Flight_model_definition/

cruise_speed = 447 ; 455 ; Knots True (KTAS)
thrust_scalar = 0.77 ; 0.82
Set cruise speed to Wikipedia documented value.

ui_autonomy = 7 ; max duration the aircraft can fly between take-off and landing in (Hrs)
fuel_flow_scalar = 1 ; 0.6 ; Fuel flow scalar
Adjust fuel comsumption to ui_autonomy.

elevator_up_limit = 20 ; 16 ; Elevator max deflection up angle (DEGREES)
elevator_down_limit = 14.4 ; 11.5 ; Elevator max deflection down angle (absolute value) (DEGREES)
More elevator for easier flare.

empty_weight_CG_position = -10.1, 0, -1 ; -9, 0, -1 ; Position of airplane empty weight CG relative to reference datum (FEET), z, x, y
Move center of gravity to 27% MAC for easier flare.

point.0 = 1,  27.1, 0,  -9.3,   720, 0, 1.68,  38, 0.555, 2, 0.33, 9,   9.4, 0, 0, 0, 2 ; 1,  27.1, 0,  -9.3,   720, 0, 1.68, 75, 0.555, 2, 0.33, 9, 9.4, 0, 0, 0, 2 ; 
Decrease steering wheel angle for better on ground slow speed maneuvering.

wing_incidence = 2 ; Wing incidence (DEGREES)
htail_incidence = -1.7 ; 0 ; Horizontal tail incidence (DEGREES)
Less (auto) trim needed for design cruise speed Vc level flight.

fuselage_length = -1 ; 123 ; Nose to tail (FEET)
Automatic fuselage_length.

drag_coef_flaps = 0.14 ; 0.15660
flaps-position.1 = 10, 215, 1 ; 10, 215, 0.25 ; 
flaps-position.2 = 15, 200, 1 ; 15, 200, 0.5 ; 
flaps-position.3 = 20, 185, 1 ; 20, 185, 0.75 ; 
flaps-position.1 = 18, 215, 1 ; 18, 215, 0.25 ; 
flaps-position.2 = 22, 200, 1 ; 22, 200, 0.5 ; 
flaps-position.3 = 22, 185, 1 ; 22, 185, 0.75 ; 
Redesign flaps drag to have more flaps drag a intermediate flaps settings and less flaps drag in final position.

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