Aerosoft has posted in their blog details of the recent update to the popular CRJ series of airliners for Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Updated to version 1.0.3, Aerosoft have made changes that include ETA calculation now in UTC rather than ATD, improvements to GPWS (modes 3 & 5), corrections to flap animations both EICAS and exterior model, and added functions to allow 180+ degree turns into a given direction.
Support has also been added for hardware spoiler and flaps axes, as well as new throttle control mechanics via Simconnect. Stability in flight has also been improved meaning the effect of wind and turbulence will be less felt. All the features of this update are listed below.
- Changed ETA calculation to base on current UTC time instead of ATD
- Fixed NAV frequencies on MCDU Radio Page showing 0.0 after LOC tuned
- Fixed Coupled VNAV not initiating descent
- Limited range for PFD slip indicator
- Limited range for PFD flight director
- ETA calculation on MFD DATA FPLN Progress page
- ETA calculation on MCDU PERF INIT page 3/3
- Improvements to GPWS mode 3 (altitude loss after takeoff)
- Improvements to GPWS mode 5 (below glideslope)
- Flaps/Slats EICAS animation corrected
- Flaps/Slats exterior model animation corrected
- Added custom glide path calculation
- Adapted GS Hold to custom GS
- Fixed wrong lbs-kg conversion in EFB ZFW input
- Removed duplicate PA “Remain Seated” after landing
- Added “Low cost carrier” mode for PA and FD announcements (no drinks, no coffee, no sandwiches)
- Increased volume for Gear Up/Down sounds inside the cockpit
- VNAV improvements. Better handling of intermediate level offs
- Fixed EFB ZFW input
- Fixed transparency issue with CRJ-550/700 LOD1 models
- Added functions to allow 180+ degree turns into a given direction
- Added reduced bank angle to MSFS version
- Fixed CF Leg drawing for right turns (Test case: EGHH/26 – EGHH/ILS26/BIA)
- Verified CF Leg drawing for left turns (Test case: EGHI/20 – EGHI/20/EAS)
- Last direct waypoint now disappears from DIR INTC page after the aircraft passed it.
- Fixed route zig zagging
- Fixed bearing pointers
- Fixed missing SID-Enroute transitions at end of list
- Fixed wrong heading calculation if both longitudes on a track are equal
- Added support for hardware flaps axis
- Added support for hardware spoiler axis
- Fixed ALT mode switching to ALTS CAP instead of PITCH
- Added icao_xxx entries to aircraft.cfg
- Updated CRJ-550 model
- Custom Glideslope Hold
- Landing and takeoff behavior improvements in flight model
- Fixed arc and radius to fix drawing routines
- New throttle control mechanics via Simconnect
- Improved ground and flight spoiler effects
- Cruise performance fine tuned to new atmospheric model
- Take of rotation improved by modified slats/flaps behaviour and new V-Stabilizer calculation
- Improved flight spoiler to meet real world descent rates
- Improved ground spoiler effect for correct lift dumping effect at touch down
- Over all stability in flight improved to feel less wind and turbulence effects
- All flaps stages matching operating handbook reference data and are based on new flaps model
- Correct CoG empty display in modified UI
- UI Load stations with max value reference data
- Fixed (INTC) to Arc leg sequencing (GCFV/01 LORP4Q SID)
- Added arrow in flightplan display for arc legs (RF/AF) with the overfly flag set
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