This mod aims to improve the default DA62 in as many aspects as possible.Also included is a PDF with a quick rundown of the added systems (G1000, FADEC and Anti-Ice) Further information can be found in the AFM
- FADEC improvements
- Removed input event stuff
- Hidden batteries now turn off allowing missions to complete normally. Make sure the flood light is off!
- added wing and fuselage flex to flightmodel (no visuals)
- Fixed engine start bug
- Ground power unit works
- Statesaving Hotfix
- - Increased aileron responsiveness
- Included a batch configurator for state saving, engine damage and view engine status.
- Fixed some bugs with state saving
- Fixed engine fire smoke
- Fuel and anti ice endurance now show hrs+min instead of 1/10ths of hours
- FADEC and powerplant:
- Power settings are now rounded
- Idle and ECU test behaviour improved
- Rain affects engine cooling
- Fuel flow is more accurate at lower power settings
- Systems.
- Now compatible with native WT G1000 Nxi
- Prop RPM rounded to the next 10
- Revisionary mode added
- Removed Pitot overheating.
- Removed ESP
- other:
- Updated key bindings
- nav2 statesaving fixed
- Engine damage and State-saving are now disabled by default, Instructions in PDF
- Added custom engine temperature simulation with waterpumps, oilpumps, thermostats and oil/water heat exchanger
- Increased fuel heating
- Oil pressure isnt so low when the engine is warm.
- Prop governor will overrev shortly and the FADEC will recover like the real plane
- Improved starter and starting behaviour
Completely redone FADEC ECUs with circuits and new logic.
- - ECU channels will fail if the respective circuit fails
- - Engine will fail if a failed channel is selected
- - ECU channels will toggle depending on the day. Switching ECU will cause the stutter
- - ECU errors can be cleared by holding the ECU test button
- "Check gear" callout is on a timer and is less annoying
- "Check gear" callout is also on the test button
- check gear/Fire alarm is quieter
- guess what I tuned again, the autopilot, YAAY
- New battery voltage curve
- Lowered icing scalar
- New engine start and cold start behaviour
- Oil pressure needs a sec or two to build up
- Engines will now windmill start
- Engine load no longer show load during startup
- Ecu test behaviour softened
- Overheat slowed down
- Added Garmin ESP (beta). This can be toggled by holding the Gear/Fire test button for 3 seconds
- Yaw damper added. Slaved to AP (no indication on G1000)
- Fixed Autopilot for SU 6 (again and again)
- Fuel transfer float switch hysteresis removed
- Anti ice gauge fixed and added quantity and endurance line
- Fixed fuel flow discrepancy between engine and Fuel(lean) page
- Yoke now moves with autopilot (only roll lol)
- Ailerons behave better in a stall
- Aileron more responsive at higher speeds
- Increased adverse yaw
- rudder and fuselage yaw and slidslip behaviour tuned
- Ground effect increased
- Suspension a little softer
- Reduced propwash on H-tail
- Increased tail incidence for easier rotation
- Reduced native roll stability
- set "modern FM only” tag in .cfg
- Icing performance degradation increased
- Added ice flutter. Above 80% icing the aircraft will flutter left and right slightly increasing with speed and icing
- Fix for WT G1000NXi
- Fixed the low engine power bug
- No longer to be fully shut down to change the deice fluid level. You just need to be on the ground
- Fix for NXi 0.5
- Deice fluid weight has been added (check PDF)
- NXi users can see the fluid level below the aux tanks
- Aux pumps turn off and on automatically when tanks are full or empty
- selecting unlimited fuel kills endurance and range calculations and deice fluid
- Fuel flow is more accurate at higher power settings
- Engine indications not as smooth, more closely represents the real thing.
- Fuel slosh has been added
- Engine failures based off temperature, not time
- Engines will catch fire
- Added particle effects
- Reduced landing gear clipping and fixed damage speeds
- stall behaviour softened
- Partially redone electrical system:
- Fuel pumps, starters and Electric master behave 99% correctly.
- Reduced electrical load on most components.
- The text of respective indications will now change colour (systems and fuel page)
- Turning on master triggers fuel pump sound (using transfer pump sound as its not as annoying)
- Autopilot kinda sharpened a little
- Alternators and fuel valves are on when starting from cold and dark
- ECU test behaviour improved. ECU test reacts to the engine and the way its performing in the current conditions
- Slight asymmetries added in between left and right ECU test
- Slight spool up added when starting engines.
- Hot idle oil pressure not as low
Debugging stuff:
- Added a full CAS message. I encourage you to read it if you see it...
- Added "PROP AXIS" CAS message. again, read it, please...
- Engines will shutoff when the FADEC is not running.
- SU5 Hotfix,
- Fixed fuel guards, ELT.
- Made Load and RPM gauges a little smaller for the aux tank indications
- Showing copilot: At first it didnt work for me, the copilot wasnt shown in the external view either. Toggling through the pilots in the settings fixed it for me.
Version 0.4.2
- Reverted Simobjects and folder changes back to default
- Added "1000 tone" and "minimums" sound effect by Positive Zero (thanks Zeke12587 for showing me that)
- Buffed windshield anti ice
- Separated Smobjects folder from the default DA62
- Temperatures will increase as engine is overloaded.
Version 0.4.1
- Fixed G1000 for WU4
- Flap indications properly show when flaps are transitioning
Version 0.4
- Pilots (Can be toggled on the pedal adjustment switches)
- Arm rest can be fliped down
- Enabling 3 position ECU voters.
- Gear/Fire test button (no animation)
- New camera angles.
- PDF and checklist updated
- Some simple code added to reduce overshoot
- ECU Voters now fully work
- The engine will stutter when switching ECU
- Left vent can be pressed to run both ECU test at the same time
- Lowered starter torque
- Flaps indications are now correct
- Gear fire test works (no animation and sound)
- Added differential braking
- Fixed cockpit trim indication
- MD302 mod by Abdullah compatible. V0.1 included, Drag and drop into your community folder (more details in PDF)
- MD302 brightness linked to both G1000s (mod and standard)
- Ground effect tweaked (less sudden)
- Increased tail incidence
- Revert the flap lift fix for the bug that was now fixed
Version 3.5
- Reduced thrust scalar for the fixed thrust bug
- Fadec controls Torque and not directly power. Less overshooting and smoother control.
- ECU Test behavior improved.
- ECU run-up no longer moves the throttle lever(thanks Abdullah), and moving it above 5% will cancel the runnup
- Tool tips for ECU test added and removed incorrect throttle % indication.
- ECU voters are inop, because you guys cant stop playing around
- Engine will sputter when overloaded for too long and if the fuel is too cold (-42°C)
- ECUs will fail when the engine is failed.
- Inverted flight will cause oil and fuel starvation
- Fuel temperature is simulated using simplified physics
- Lower fuel quanitiy will cause higher fuel temps.
- Flaps lift scalar set to 0.5 for World Update3
- Drag adjusted for fixed thrust bug
- Cruise attitude more accurate (+1° ish)
- Increased adverse yaw
- Increased aileron effectiveness
- Increased rudder deflection
- Increased control athourity all around.
- Dihedral stability increased.
- Tweeked ground effect
- Better nosewheel control at higher speeds
- Fixed inertia values (I mixed up 2 values)
- Reduced gear drag slightly
- Stall speeds increased due to the MÄM62-001 modification (increased MTOW)
- Fuel totaliser stops counting when unlimted fuel is selected
- Fuel totaliser wont show negative values
- Added "Debugging" CAS messages to G1000. ("incompatible Livery", FADEC) to help debug
- Autopilot PIDs improved
- Autopilot no longer controls rudder (yes it did that)
- Removed ground tug
- Removed yellow fuel temp indicaton between -30 and -25°
- Standby instrument brightness is now linked to the G1000 brightness
- Gear warning is active below 20% Power lever position
- FADEC added with combustion extinction (not active on the ground)
- Runnup tests ECU B then A, no longer both
- Weight and balance is more accurate to the real plane
- Vertical speed and Altitude Failure behave correctly correct
- Deice Fluid can be reset. You must be: On ground ,Parking brake on and shut down
- Deice Alternate switch behaviour changed
- Engine indications only stop after the engine has stopped turning
- Red load warning added
- Feathering behaviour improved
- Fuel totaliser behaves like an actual fuel totaliser. Turn the plane off or use the ELT to reset it
- Fuel transfer rate set to a more realistic rate (1 gal/min)
- Gyro drift and weirdness fixed
- Restored ground effect
- Changed sitting attitude 0.5-1° nose up (rear wheels clip through the ground slightly)
- Changed tail incidence and neutral trim setting
- Softened suspension
- White navlight changed
- Improved Autopilot PIDs
- Included instructions for Thrust bug
- CTD fix
- Version Hotfix for update
- Improved PIDs for new sim update
- Fixed PFD and MFD swap
- Improved cockpit lighting (again).
- Removed center flood light (not needed)
- removed glowing lighting knobs
- Improved effectiveness of anti ice system
- Functional windshield defrost based of left engine temp and lever position
- Fixed Alitude error CAS message (im a dummy)
- Powersetting will be kept when chaging between Propcontrol and Full FADEC mode (not go to idle)
- Deice fluid level will show on startup
- Improved Cockpit lighting and ambience
- Improved Navlights
- Changes Strobes to LED strobes
- ATC enable callsign fixed
- Added Runup criteria: Gearbox > 35°C, throttle Idle and on ground
- Run-up throttle setting is temperature compensated
- Added slight asymmetries between engine indications
- Added High oil pressure CAS
- Added Coolant Level low CAS
- Altitude error CAS factors in kohlsman setting
- Changed Fuel heating based on Engine temperature, RPM and fuel quantity
- Fixed endurance calculations, removed unusable fuel (2.6GAL)
- Min fuel temp -30°C not -25°C
- Windshield Anti-ice fluid "lingers" for an additional 10 seconds per press
- Added FADEC High Altitude combustion extinction
- Other slight FULL FADEC QOL improvements
- Updated PDF
Version 0.2.4
- Changed behaviour of ALTITUDE ERROR and DEIC PRESS HI CAS messages
- Added Check gear CAS message when Idle
- Added white Nav light. Modified Strobes and other Nav lights
- Added a simple code to check the state of the Ice-light
- Gal Used accuracy improved (hopefully)
- Fuel indications no longer read the unusable fuel
- Added 1° of elevator trim back
- Backend code clean ups
- Added Modified checklist and Familiarisation PDFs (if something is still unclear, please say so)
- Added experimental "Mixture controlled Full FADEC". See PDF for more info
Version 0.2.3
- Cleaned up/polish on the G1000 indications
- Engine indications can now be monitored for 3 seconds after shutdown
- Added Voltage drop when starting
- Fightmodel attitudes improved all around.
- Flap lift increased
- Engine failure kicks more
- Single engine Performance matches more to the POH
- Gear drag increased slightly
- Testing the deice panel triggers CAS messages
- ECU test doesn't loop and needs to be completed to remove CAS messages
- Lowered max water and oil temperature (engine wont overheat so easy)
- Improved oil pressure behaviour
- Camera placement moved ~ 10cm inboard (give better visibility and aligns you better with the instrument panel
- Windshield deice is no longer free
- Glideslope PIDs improved
- Gal Used indications redone. (during testing I got less than 1% error)
- Some backend stuff
- Added ECU run-up and feathering
- Left and right engine are now independent of each other
- Windshield anti ice is no longer activated by airframe anti ice
- DEIC PRES HI added above 50% structural icing to give you an indication of icing severity
- Autopilot Roll sharpened a little
Version 0.2.1
Smooth animations on the engine and system indications
Fuel temperature is now simulated*
New volumetric lights from uwajimaya :slight_smile:
Fixed RPM and load indications (thanks bilingualharp7)
engine fuel pressure CAS has returned**
Redone ANTI ice system with different modes and endurance
Version 0.2
Autopilot fixed for (ish)
Reduced Trim effectiveness for the update, from 9° to 5°
Fixed Fuel flow increase from the fuel pumps
Fixed Ammeter indications
Removed low fuel pressure CAS message
Synced shutdown sounds
Added red speed tape in G1000 and external view
Changed the external RPM gauge yellow band
Changes FLT files
Other stuff
Version v0.1.4
Engine indications and CAS messages react to the Master switch state.
"propControl_Engine.cfg" for "PropControl_FADEC (Standard)
Added back some Yaw, pitch and roll stability (5-10%)
Default registration changed to OE-FGZ
Added "metal" leading edge and MT logo on static prop
UI name changed to DA62X
Probably changes some other stuff I dont remember lol
Deicing works
Version v0.1.3.1
Autopilot PIDs redone
Gear Cd reduced (I forgot to mention that I increased it last time)
Propeller control “FADEC” now standard
Version v0.1.3
Roll, pitch and yaw inertia increased
Roll, pitch, and yaw dampening removed
Improved CL table
Added “Engine fire” and “Low Fuel Pressure” CAS callouts
reduced the Cooling compared to the DA40 due to higher airspeeds.
Ice lights added by Uwajimaya (Thanks again <3)
Version 0.1.2
Improved outside lighting by Uwajimaya
Reduced brightness of the standby instruments (inspired by the TBM mod by JayDee)
G1000 limitations set (FLC, VS mode)
Some autopilot change ideas stolen from Jonasbeaver
Improved ground handling (tighter turn radius, reduced wheel friction)
Tail: reduced elevator, trim and rudder deflection
Ailerons: Increased adverse yaw, effectiveness reduced at higher loadfactor
Low power correction added to FADEC
Wing: Added 1° of incidence, Increased flaps lift and drag, reduced clean lift
Drag and drop "DA62X" into the community folder
If you see the thumbnail in game (Grey triangle on the bottom left), you have installed it correctly
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