DC Designs F-15 C, D, E & I Eagle Improvement Mod
To be used in conjunction with "DC Designs F-15 C, D, E & I Eagle (for MSFS)" paid aircraft, available through:
MSFS In-Sim Marketplace
Mod works as designed with Just Flight purchased DC Designs F-15(C/D/E/I)
***MSFS Marketplace purchased DC Design F-15(C/D/E/I) users***
For marketplace users of the official product, due to Asobo restrictions and DRM encryption protection,
it has limited many of the files we wish to edit.
- We noticed an issue with the aircraft stalling at AOA 20 degrees and entering spins easily after Asobo SU4 update, and also problems with landings. So we did further corrections in airplane geometry, Cl vs AOA curve and roll vs aoa. Reviewed the elevator scaling table to mitigate some bouncy effect added too.
- Added- All models now have new aqua/blue"ish" formation lights when activated.
- FIXED- All model cockpits are now visible. (Known previous issue on D/E/I models on AI/Multiplayer models)
- Added-New interior green accent/nav lights on all models(ON/OFF switch is the "flood light" dial, next to panel lights dial)
- Added-Radio height (airplane height to ground) set to 3,000ft or less to display, for you low level fliers! (previously 1,000ft)
- Added- C/D/E models- Auto landing/taxi light turn off/disable when gear is raised. When gear is lowered, the lights will be available to switch on or off at your discretion. Once raised, lights are inactivated to prevent seeing the lights while gear raised. The "I" is model not functioning properly, but all other models works as designed, at this current time.
- F-15 (C/D/E/I) Official Community Mod v.1.19 update
- Many files/edits contained within the previous versions of the mod, are now present on the official update 1.0.2 of DC Designs F-15.
- As a result, this update is a "base version" of the mod with our returning:
- -HUD resizing/refactoring
- -MFD refactoring/edits
- -Auto Flaps at 260kts
- -Auto taxi light on/off feature (landing light still needs correcting with the script(known issue))
- -NAV/Strobe lights rough edit.
- -Nav lights positions and colors for each light have been corrected.
- -Strobe lights- added "pulsating" red lights, to simulate the real aircraft light effects.
- -Interior lights now have optional green glow effect on side panel lights.
- -Activated by using the flood panel knob, next to the panel lights knob on the right thigh switch panel.
- C.G. corrections according reality: 23,5% as default.
- Fuel quantities and locations corrected.
- Airplane geometry corrected.
- Further changes in aerodynamics.
- Engine consumption, ITT and EGT temps corrected, oil pressures corrected.
- New Additions and corrections on MFD’s and HUD
- Cameras FoV and Pos revision.
- Corrections in airplane geometry
- Corrections in Aerodynamics(Mach tables, etc)
- Improved cockpit overall frame rate
- Overview/Areas updated
- Take-off/Landing speeds
- Further review of sustained level turns, and further explanation of what it is
- Auto-retractable flaps (as per the manual at 250kts)
- G Limit warning on all HUDs
- Further HUD modeling directed by manual for each model
Current files that we believe work for the mod on the MSFS Marketplace version of jet:
- flight_model.cfg
- engines.cfg
- cameras.cfg
- autopilot functionality
- PiD values
- external UI config
- Mod to be installed in community folder.
Improvements made to the HUD or MFDs will not be applied due to Microsoft DRM, at this current time.
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